On Sunday 27th May, in the Palermo branch of Bioesserì, brothers Vittorio and Saverio Borgia, founders and creators of the restaurant also open in Milan, presented a new series of pizzas and leavened products. They’re all made with Petra Evolutiva, the flour made with organic, Sicilian wheat which is milled and distributed by Molino Quaglia.
During the event,Giuseppe Li Rosi, the president of Associazione Simenza - Cumpagnia Siciliana Sementi Contadine, explained how this flour was born:
«Our evolutionary wheat, organically farmed in Sicily, comes from a mix of seeds that was formed in Syria, with some 2000 varieties from Algeria, Jordan, Iran and Eritrea. They showed a strong capacity to adapt to our territory: think of thousands of variants of the same species of wheat planted in the same field for years, and every year nature selects the strongest varieties; so a field of wheat is indissolubly connected with climate change, and resists to illnesses and weeds».
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Davide Visiello
source: http://www.identitagolose.it/news/view.php?id=95
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