the website of the Ministry for Agricultural Policies which took care of the procedure. It is right to rejoice in the decision taken unanimously in Jeju in South Korea, where the Unesco summit took place.
The motivation given by the United Nations agency is beautiful: «the culinary knowledge connected with pizza making, which includes gestures, songs, visual expressions, local jargon, handling pizza dough, performing and sharing, is an unquestionable cultural heritage.
Pizzaioli and their guests participate in a social rite, in which counter and oven act as "stage" during the production process of pizza. All this happens in a friendly atmosphere that leads to constant interaction with guests.
Starting from poor neighbourhoods in Naples, the culinary tradition became strongly rooted in the community’s daily life. For many young people in this profession, becoming a Pizzaiolo is also a way of avoiding social exclusion».
One should also admire the extensive work that led to this success, a journey that began in 2009, when Venetian Luca Zaia was the Minister for Agricultural Policies, and then continued thanks to professional Neapolitan associations and to Regione Campania, with professor Pier Luigi Petrillo coordinating the candidacy dossier and the delegation. If one had to choose one person, above all, there would be no doubt: Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, born in Salerno, previous minister for agricultural policies from April 2000 to June 2001. It was little over a year but it was significant in order to understand the necessary political-lobbying mechanisms.
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Paolo Marchi
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