This is what makes the Almanacco della Pizza – a part of which is accessible to all, online, or you can buy the deluxe printed version which will be presented during the 2019 edition of PizzaUp®. It’s the new project of Molino Quaglia, a preview of which Chiara Quaglia and Piero Gabrieli presented at the Identità Milano 2019 congress:
«It’s a way to report, every two years, on the evolution and the changes taking place in the world of pizza, which in the past few years has stopped being an ordinary product, and is now a product of great quality, though still popular. A leap in quality that resulted, above all, from creating the occasion for pizzaioli and great chefs to share ideas, because cooking techniques, once applied to pizza, have allowed to make better products using fresh ingredients for the toppings».
With this thought, both at the latest PizzaUp® 2018 and at Identità Golose 2019, Molino Quaglia fostered the work of pizzaioli and chefs in pairs, so that the latter would convey their knowledge and techniques, enhancing the work of the former.
But there are more projects to come at Molino Quaglia: in the next few months, the Università della Farina will debut too, with a series of courses that will give a better understanding of one of the essential, though too often “hidden”, ingredients of a good pizza...
Luciana Squadrilli
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