come e dove Petra arriva in tavola
come e dove Petra arriva in tavola
Wicky Priyan, dress rehearsals for pizza fusion

Shall we consider it a game, for now? Fine. However, when the other day Wicky Priyan (in the picture) posted on Facebook the photo of his first pizza, a bell rang in our minds.

It was not a sign of alarm but curiosity. Why should a chef originally from Sri Lanka, who runs a successful restaurant in the centre of Milan focused on Japanese techniques matched with a fusion style – he calls it Wicuisine – test himself with our dough?

This resulted in the following question: why not ask the person concerned? And so we did.

«In the kitchen I have three electric ovens that can guarantee the perfect temperature. So I wanted to test myself in a field I had not explored before, that of pizza. For now I’ve eaten it and served it to my staff, but I go on with my tests, with the goal of presenting it as an amuse bouche at restaurant Wicky’s in a few months’ time, when my best version will be sound».

There’s still that question: why pizza? You’re a chef looking at the Mediterranean Sea yet with eastern eyes… «And I’m doing so in this case too: Italian technique and Asian ingredients».

Which means: white and whole-wheat flour, mother yeast, leavening of over 5 hours... Yet his oriental approach already peeks out, «I add a little rice flour, with the objective of fine tuning, in the future, a dough only made with the latter, so it can be gluten free».

Meanwhile the disc has already acquired a “Neapolitan” look, soft in the middle, with a thick and crispy edge.

The garnish is original: mozzarella Pod, then amberjack or Japanese scallops, kongxincai (Chinese water spinach), Thai basil… «I bake the disc for a couple of minutes, I season it then put it back in the oven for 4 minutes». 

The result is a success, and Wicky’s happy: «I now work in Italy, where I dish out my cooking, the result of techniques I learnt in Japan. Yet I don’t know where I’ll go in the future, perhaps I will end up in Tokyo: and then I want to apply the same model, that is to say stand out with a different style, in this case thanks to the Italian influence, which means pizza too. Research, in order to keep your excellent food in my heart. No matter where».

Carlo Passera

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