Time flies. It feels like yesterday, when I sent Carlo (Passera) the pre-congress post for Identità di Pizza. Time has a fleeting dimension, yet we have a concrete perception of its flowing, we’re all constantly aware of it.
I’m writing this in one go, right after leaving a conference in which a prominent British company presented the changes in domestic and away-from-home consumption, and the possible response of the food industry to consumers’ emerging needs. I was struck by the result of a research: the more we spend time online, the greater the time we would like to spend with food.
And it seems that our relationship with food improves if the food is simpler and we have greater trust in the producer. So once again there’s the human factor, in a play on mirrors between us, sitting by the table, and those who lay the table.
Finding a comfortable place to read and answer emails, take notes, buy something online, chat with friends on social networks, recharge the mobile phone, read a book (printed or digital, it doesn’t matter) is increasingly attractive.
And what makes a place more attractive and comfortable than good food? What is the optimal relationship between time and food? And, back to ingredients, how can we modulate the strength of time in the fermentation of dough for pizza and bread?
Or in the assisted germination of cereals? What if we discovered there’s an inverse relationship between the time living mother yeast needs to mature and the time you need for a dough made with germinated components? And what’s the role of time in the digestibility of gluten?
The hidden strength of time will be the theme of the 13th edition of PizzaUp, the technical symposium dedicated to Italian pizza that is to take place in Vighizzolo d’Este on the 5th-7th November 2018. (Registrations open on the 15th April on www.pizzaup.it)
Piero Gabrieli
source: http://www.identitagolose.it/news/view.php?id=83
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